Services tailored to your needs
We offer a complete range of translation services in accordance with your needs.
Each project being unique, our personalised translation services allow a strict control of your document translation budget.
Professional translation
Standard translation is a translation carried out by translators specialising in your business sector (law, finance, HR, etc.), working only in their native language.
Premium translation
Professional translation with a second proofreading carried out by a translator, expert in the field concerned. The second translator will check the terminology and especially the style of the document.
Sworn Translation
Sworn (or official) translation is carried out by a sworn translator at a French Court of Appeal. It is admissible by courts and administrative authorities.
Website Translation
Also known as "localisation", we take care of the translation of your website respecting the layout as well as tags and codes.
Proofreading, Correction, Updating
We carry out a complete proofreading of previously translated text; this includes correcting and, where necessary, improving the existing translations with new text.
Transcription Audio, Video
We carry out a complete proofreading of previously translated text; this includes correcting and, where necessary, improving the existing translations with new text.
Translation, our specialty
With ten years in the management of multilingual translation projects, MaxiTrad is recognised for its professionalism and knowledge of the world of translation. Our strengths reside on 3 main pillars:

Our translators are the true guarantors of the quality of our translations. Fully integrated colleagues, they are selected via a precise Internet process. They only translate into their native language, and are specialists in your field of activity.

Unprecedented pricing
Our rates are among the lowest on the market. Thanks to our optimised operating costs and reduced margins, we offer unprecedented pricing, to suit your budget or your deadline.

Instant online quotes and response to all your questions within 60 minutes maximum. Carry out urgent high-volume translations in record time. Work during weekends, holidays and through the night in the case of special requests.
The Plus Points of MaxiTrad
Our translation agency makes every effort to ensure that your translation project can be used as soon as it is delivered. To do this, in the background, we perform various tasks during the translation process to ensure a quality service and optimal handling.
Layout of your translations
When your files are inaccessible (PDF, images, etc), we recreate the initial layout as best we can, trying to stay as faithful as possible to font sizes and types, pagination, headers and footers etc. This job is performed pre-translation in order to make the teams' tasks more comfortable.
Respecting formats, file names
By default, we work directly in the Source text format when this is accessible. Whether this be documents saved in Office or OpenOffice, the extension is preserved. We also never rename your file names, we just add a suffix with the translation language and the word "FINAL".
Glossary Preparation
In order to harmonise your translations, or simply to summarise your "in-house" language, we prepare terminology Glossaries, which are updated and maintained when necessary. This guarantees a continuity in the terms regularly used in your texts.
Dedicated translator
Why change translator when you are fully satisfied with the one you have? By default, if your feedback on the project is positive, we will always assign the same translator(s) to your files. When the usual translator is not available, we will let you know.
Tailor-made translation services
As each request is unique, we offer a complete range of linguistic services, which are tailored and adapted to your project.
Dedicated teams
Accredited account manager, translator and dedicated project manager - you will always have the same contact within MaxiTrad. We make every effort to personalise our services and to guarantee the quality of the handling of your project.
Customer Relations
Quote given in under 60 minutes, customer satisfaction generated at the end of each project, we combine responsiveness with quality control.
Custom email address, FTP folder
To facilitate our exchanges, we can assign you a personalised email address or quickly create a private folder on our FTP platform with password access and completely free management and content.
Data security
MaxiTrad is equipped with one of the most secure servers in the world, Tresorit. In addition to end-to-end encryption, your files are hosted on servers located in Europe and not subject to the Patriot Act. They can never be intercepted or searched.
Documents frequently translated
Below is a non-exhaustive list of the documents we frequently translate:
- Contract
- Minutes
- Kbis extract/statutes
- Signing powers
- Summonses/Petitions
- Rulings
- Annual Report
- Financial analysis
- In-house rules
- Curriculum Vitae/Application letter
- Internal/external communication
- Training
- Website
- Booklet, brochure, catalogue
- Studies
- Business proposals
- Business plans
- Patents
- User manual
- Technical Instructions
- Technical and sales brochures
- Safety regulations
- Product sheet
- ISO regulations